Animal Crossing New Horizons Fish Rarity List ~ Animal Crossing Zone. (Post On : 11 hours 51 minute ago). 2 Pale Chub 200 Bells Tiny River. J F M A M J J A S O N D.
Including rare fish and bugs list rarity ranking prices how to get. 0 3 Crucian Carp 160 Bells Small River. In the northern hemisphere 32 can be caught in December of which 5 are new in December and 1 will leave after December.
Anchovy Barred knifejaw Barreleye Blowfish Blue marlin Butterfly fish Clownfish Coelacanth Dab Flying fish Football fish Giant trevally Great white shark Hammerhead shark Horse mackerel Jellyfish Lobster Mahi-mahi Moray eel Napoleonfish Oarfish Ocean sunfish Octopus Olive flounder Puffer fish Ray Red snapper Ribbon eel Saw shark Sea bass Sea.
J F M A M J J A S O N D. And the river offers rare fish like the arowana though only from December to March. Welcome to IGNs Animal Crossing. On this list were providing you with all Insects that you can collect including their name location seasonality and active hours.